Monday, March 18, 2024

scraping amazon orders

 Until March 2023, you could download your year of amazon orders in Excel for taxes.

Then they stopped.

There is still a way to request data on your orders (or other data), but you get back an email "it may take a month."


There is a chrome plug in that will "scrape" your order history for ten minutes and then give you a CSV table.

I got one that is 600 lines long, first digital orders then other orders  (We get a lot of groceries etc via Amazon).


There is also a Chrome web store order scraper

it takes a while for the years table to appear, when it does and you tap 2023 it immediatley starts “scraping” it may give odd nearlhy empty pages but updates tiny print

it seems to keep running and reducing PENIDNGS despite periodic ERROR PAGES SORRY that pop up.

just wait ten minutes

When it stops runninng, the top bar will say DOWNLOAD CSV (several iminutes)

There is ALSO a $14 app,
Amazon Order History Exporter,
which worked smoother but costs $14.

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