Wednesday, February 28, 2024

GPT4 Advice on a Client Report: Both Specific and Generic

 I wrote a consulting report about US policies for US market entry of a European diagnostic product.  I assume some readers are European (with only a distant grasp of US policy subtleties) and some readers are US based, but with a commercial focus, not policy experts who are used to reading illogical CMS rules.

Chat GPT4 gave me advice on a rewrite and some points to check.   While it seemed quite specific to this draft report (sterilized to be unrecognizable below and with some fake facts), it's also advice that is entirely generic to any such report.


To enhance the report and address the diverse audience's needs, consider the following strategies:

  1. Simplify and Clarify U.S. Healthcare Policies: Given the complexity of U.S. reimbursement policies for diagnostics, and their unfamiliarity to some Swiss readers, include a primer or glossary on key terms, abbreviations, and concepts. This could involve a simplified overview of the 14-day rule, differential PCR and NGS testing coverage, and other relevant policies. Use diagrams or tables to visually represent complex processes.

  2. Tailor Content for Different Audiences: Create sections or sidebars that speak directly to the specific interests of your audiences. For the Swiss readers, contextualize how U.S. policies might compare or contrast with European ones, highlighting implications for international businesses. For the U.S.-based commercial audience, focus on actionable insights on navigating policy barriers and leveraging XYZ's benefits in their sales strategies.

  3. Incorporate Strategic Advice: Utilize your expertise (as an MD, MBA) to offer strategic recommendations. This could include advice on forming partnerships with healthcare providers, strategies for engaging with policymakers or insurance companies, and tips for market penetration and scaling. Highlight case studies or scenarios where similar challenges were successfully navigated. What use cases offer the strongest financial returns for the commercial team, given your policy findings?

  4. Enhance Accessibility and Engagement: Use visual aids, such as charts, infographics, and process flow diagrams, to make complex information more accessible and engaging. Consider adding a summary or key takeaways section at the end of each major section for quick reference.

  5. Strengthen the Evidence Base: While your report likely already includes data supporting the use of XYZ, further bolstering this with additional studies, real-world examples, or cost-benefit analyses can strengthen your argument for policy reform and adoption.

  6. Interactive Elements for Digital Versions: If the report is shared digitally, consider incorporating interactive elements like hyperlinks to studies, policy documents, or explanatory videos. This can enhance understanding and engagement, especially for complex topics.

  7. Feedback Loop: Before finalizing, gather feedback from a small, diverse group of your target audience to identify any areas of confusion or additional information they might find useful. This can help ensure the report meets the needs and expectations of both your European and U.S.-based readers.

Incorporating these suggestions can make your report more informative, accessible, and actionable for your intended audience, thereby increasing its impact and usefulness.

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